Monday, May 25, 2009

Sam returns to Ecuador

Sam has returned to the northwest coast of South America to Ecuador. Sam has traveled miles inland to Ecuador's capital Quito and from there southeast to the jungles in the heart of the country. Sam is here to visit the Indian village that inspired this week's Sailor Sam adventure, They Fly For God!
In January of 1956, five young men - Nate Saint, Roger Youderian, Ed McCully, Pete Fleming, and Jim Elliot - were killed by a fierce warrior tribe that had driven off every missionary who had come to share Jesus with them. These missionaries were working through Mission Aviation Fellowship to reach the Auca Indians, today known as the Waodani Tribe. Today there is a church in the Waodani village.
I heartily recommend you read Elizabeth Elliot's book, Through Gates of Splendor, and also Steve Saint's book, End of the Spear. Elizabeth is Jim Elliot's widow. Steve is Nate Saint's son. End of the Spear has been made into a motion picture as well. These two books share the gripping story both in 1956 and now of the work of these men and their families and how that work has and is bringing the Waodani to Christ!