Sunday, February 22, 2009

SS-11 Stone Manor

Here is the update on Sailor Sam and the crew.

"Stone Manor" is the title of the current Sailor Sam Adventure. (13 episodes)
Sailor Sam is in NY relaxing after his latest adventure when he is astonished by a visit from an English lawyer informing him that he is the heir to a castle in England! The old gentleman, Sir Samuel Stone, has died and Sam is the nearest of kin alive. Sam and the crew decide to go to England to see "Stone Manor." Jealousy, bitterness and a downright ghostly turn of events make this adventure a one-of-a-kind. Tune in to hear how God makes all things work together for good for Sam and the crew - as well as for the servants employed at the Castle.

Sailor Sam is heard on the Harbour Light weekdays at 5PM AST.

Other drama programs of interest include:
Adventures Bookshelf - heard weekdays at 3:45PM AST(The current Adventure is Pilgrim's Progress)
Stories of Great Christians - heard weekdays at 4AM, 10AM, and 6:30PM AST(The current biography is D. L. Moody at 4AM and James Chalmers at 10AM and 6:30PM)
Tune in online at

Have a great week!